How to Handle Price Objections in Tech Sales?

sales pitch price objections in saas

In the sales realm, facing hurdles with prospects is inevitable, especially in the ever changing, fast paced and highly competitive technology business. With the driving aim of closing the deal for your given tech sales target, price objection in Saas is a predestined fate. Therefore, tech sales representatives must really prepare for this feat by getting armed with superlative tech sales strategies and tools, to overcome stubborn price resistance.



What You Respond With is Everything

Picture this: Your prospect is on the verge of buying your product with total persuasion, but you’re nervous about revealing the price. You do, and suddenly you’re bombarded with price objections. For Saas, you need some carefully crafted responses to turn this no to a yes. In tech sales, it’s crucial to understand that addressing price concerns is actually beyond just your usual ‘it’s too expensive’ response. Think about it, if a product being too expensive is an overused response, then there must be a more accurate reason if you dig deeper. An archeologist with a big shovel mindset is needed now, because there is a lot to uncover and use for the benefit of your sales deal from price objections in Saas. These price issues discoveries will help ensure closing the deal as fast as possible with these upcoming advanced techniques to enhance your sales rapport skills.


For example:
James-Client: “I think your solution is too expensive.”
Sales Representative: “James, I completely understand where you’re coming from. Can you share with me a little bit about your budget details? maybe we can cater more to your needs and see what we can do from there.”



Empathy As a Combat Strategy

As aforementioned in the previous example, validating Saas price concerns can work like magic, transforming price objections in Saas from obstacles, to a stepping stone for your tech sales. The moment you acknowledge your prospects’ worries and try to explore and truly delve into their fears and barriers, empathy will work your way into uncovering the root cause of the resistance. This will allow a thicker trust bond between you and your prospect, creating a relationship instead of a one time sales transaction, while also allowing you to find a better route to their needs, and becoming more like confidant who offers support, rather than a salesperson trying to obtain their desired target.



Refocus Value As a Swift Maneuver

Remember, what you’re really selling is not just a software to be installed or a gadget that will help companies. In tech sales, you’re selling a solution that is characterized with a point of difference that will benefit the potential clients’ success in their industry. You’re selling a solution’s value, and highlighting its super exclusive qualities. So playing on scarcity and mastering the art of presenting the unique values of your product is a tactic that can never fail when handling price objections. After all, most industries exist to create value for all kinds of customers!


For example:
James-Client: “Well, we can get the same solution for way less money.”
Sales Representative: “I hear you on the variations of prices available James, but what we need to focus on when comparing is the value offered by the solution. Let me highlight some key points of difference about our solution for you.”



Withstand With Proof

Nothing can beat objectivity in the tech sales industry. Data driven results, case studies and success stories are super price objections combat tools that can create an invisible magnetic attraction between your prospect and your target products. Don’t just tell the customer, you must show them how your solution worked wonders for previous clients, and how successful the implementation went. Treat your proof like bait for potential deal closures, and you’re ready to crush your tech sale target.


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